awesome relient k song reference there. but the week was a step depi lav (towards the better) but still a fairly disappointing week in the day to day. also lots of random news. but the most important-
Hrazdan had their first baptism! The area has been open for a year now, with no baptisms. A handful of amazing people came really really close over the year, but Satan has thrown everything he has at Hrazdan, and it kept failing. This transfer was basically the last chance, it almost got closed instead, but it got whitewashed with two young elders. and the Lord showed just another example that it isnt our skill or impressiveness that matters, but our humility and sacrifice, obedience, etc. Saturday they baptized 5 members of a large family, with the dad having serious branch president potential, and knowing a TON of people in the city. It was an awesome day, such a special baptism. Hrazdans the only other area in my district, so ive been there a number of times and grown a love for the city. Satan is still wokring hard- the man has pride issues, and the family came an hour late to their confirmations on sunday, but i know that through continued hard work and prayers it will work out. Ive gained a testimony that Elder Marco and I's service and prayers have affected Hrazdan, and affect our loved ones- Elder Marco's friend has turned around and is now progressing towards baptism. I love stepping back, being humble, looking for the Lord's hand, and seeing the backdoor blessings.
As for our week, it was better. Our progressing investigator we hadnt seen in a week managed to meet with us this week, and he's still going okay. He didnt have to work Sat, so he came to the baptism and LOVED it. Kept telling people about how his was in 2 weeks- if we can harness that desire into urgency, he'll be ready. Because he didnt work sat he had to work sun, so we were bummed. but then he took his lunch break to come to sacrament (our BP brought him some food too hahaha) but we were so happy he came. We have an older woman thats getting ready to be baptized- she doesnt have any problems, we're just concerned with her level of conversion/tendecny to stay active. with a branch so small and weak, its tough to rely on the branch to help her stay. we're still looking for the builders- we need a sunday school pres, and elders quorum pres, elders to go in that quorum (the past 2 weeks its just us) and enough priesthood to make a ward, and overall just more active members.
the family we havent seen for 3 weeks was finally free from theyre busy work schedules, and we had a good lesson. the woman finally came out with her concerns that we worshipped Mormon, not God. We were shocked she could think that after the lessons we had previously taught, but swallowed our pride and explained, and it went fine. we were supposed to meet with them Sunday but it didnt work out, so we were bummed again.
Oh and saturday during the baptism i got my first shot at translating. ive done it in my head before while listening to talks or movies or stuff, but it was the first time i was micced up and had the senior missionaries at the baptism listening. at first it was tough not to focus too much on listening or talking, you kinda find a balance in the middle, but i settled in well and had some easy speakers (missionaries, my BP who im used to) towards the end I struggled a lot with people i couldnt hear well and told some super random stories, but it went well for first run. it was tough and gave me a headache, but i really loved it. theres not too many opportunities to do so, but im gunna take em all. I also gave a talk in sacrament this week- i had an hours notice cause our first counselor was supposed to give it and didnt come. talked about repentance, but focused on how reading the scriptures helps us to repent. it went fine, the language was all solid. my BP said it was really good, if only the people would've taken it in haha. always that way.
Anyway that was the week. We had a great zone conference on tues, it was a great recharger.
Lanie- love the random news like Ursula in colllege. Makes me laugh. dont use the cheats, make her sit there and study from the bookcase. i definitely rememer beanie battle, i could probably recite some of the rules haha. Dobby was more tylers thing, cause mine had a twisted nose and just wasnt my favorite in general.
Alex- I love the SPCA. That prob already answered the question i was gunna ask- your bday card to me mentioned a new dog russel. I figured classic Zaaz to throw in a fake dog, but wanted to make sure. send me some pics of linus and livs please.
about the grooming stuff- they announced it to us, light colored suits and pants now allowed. we've alway been allowed to work in dark slacks and white shirts. the sandals probably wont come here, you need good shoes to walk in the crappy roads and good boots for the ice in winter. they also said bacpacks are not allowed (????) to avoid looking like students or hikers. idk what ima do. Shoulder bags have become popular in the mish, but i hate them because they make us look like Jehovah's witnesses, and we already get that confused enough as is. anyway besides the bacpack bit the rule change wont affect how i dress. Ties have never been an issue, most any color is fine its just the design that could be too loud. oh and tell sandy i climbed into a tree in my suit and used a handsaw to cut down cherry branches for some people.
haha love the Brother Bleyl line, totally classic that way. He just thrives on it cause his sons 1. lob those up there for him 2. react sooo badly to them haha. miss the Gayton ward.
as far as the language... i certainly dont feel fluent and theres plenty of times i dont understand words or cant think of the one i want. but im doing very well. the zone leaders called this week and talked about a concern elder marco and i had both been thinking on, and thats the mission wide language slide thats going on. its tough to watch, but theres not a ton we can do but be awesome speakers people look too. so they challenged elder marco and me, both very competent with armenian, to continue to study hard to be those leaders.
anyway thats all i got, sorry this week is such a long letter. last notes-
I've seen the "honda inspire", "nissan teana" and "toyota vitz" and there all models ive never seen before- i wonder if theyre just europe specific, or if theyre fake haha. crazy thought, but if it was gunna happen, it would happen in armenia. i've also found Beats headphones in a pretty reliable appliance store for 20 bucks. i think im gunna drop 20 on the very real possibility that theyre fake. i dont mind them being fake, i just dont want to get in trouble with customs in 18 months haha. but i think ill take a 20 dollar chance that i get a crazy good deal.
anyway i love you all very very much, and hope you're all striving to improve in the gospel every day. its more important than we can ever realize.
love elder moore
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