Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Things have gone terribly wrong!!! Help please, contact state department

Terrible news! My comp and me (asefkk anllx dwerm) decided to go on a tracting marathon. We decided we wouldn't stop till we found a golden that would be ready for baptism and be baptized the nearest weekend, in the nearest body of water. We really went for it.

Thought we'd be protected but it seems we've surrounded by Crimeans and Russians? All I know is the first tank we saw we ran and hid. Why is there a scythe painted on it? We are faithful, and have tried contacting people while we hide, but most don't speak our language.

We walked NW for about 8 days, but don't know where we are.  Could someone scan a map and send it to us, or maybe estimate where we are?

Worried! In Armenia?
Elder Hlztak (Moore)

I'll email the rest of the story tomorrow.

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